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Coaching is a great option if you want training that’s customized for the learner scheduled at their convenience.

We start by assessing the learner’s writing or presentations and determining exactly what they need. We teach only what’s necessary and help them apply their new skills to their own work.

Because coaching is so targeted, it tends to take less time. Often, three 2-hour meetings are enough to produce noticeable improvement.

It’s best to separate the meetings by a week to give the learner time to digest and apply their new skills.

For better everyday correspondence to internal and external readers we recommend Business Writing Essentials. It’s great for employees who need to write more professional emails, short reports, recommendations and letters.

Grammar mistakes can quickly erode your credibility. Grammar and Punctuation gives you the skills you need to make sure every communication is correct.

Two courses will help: Executive-Ready Presentations and Executive-Ready Writing. Both courses help learners craft messages that address the particular needs of the C-suite, and prepare them for challenging questions and push-back.

Technical people love their data and scientists love their science. Although specialists like to share all the fascinating details, non-specialists rarely need or want that depth of information. Our writing and presentation courses teach your employees the difference between researching information and communicating their findings clearly and persuasively to others.

Check out our Writing Technical Reports, Technical Presenting to Groups, and Scientific Presenting to Groups courses.

You have two great options. Email Writing Essentials teaches you when to use email and how to write messages that are concise, clear and easy to respond to. Email Etiquette teaches you how to use emails with courtesy and respect.

Facilitating Better Meetings is great if you need employees to plan and facilitate strategic meetings to solve problems, create new ideas or take action.

Making Meetings Work is perfect for teams who want both attendees and the meeting leader to be responsible for making meetings more productive. It’s great for an intact team.

If you need to write more persuasively, try our Writing Winning Proposals course. If you need to sell in person, try Presenting to Groups or Communicate With Impact. If you need to sell to your own internal decision makers, try both the Executive-Ready Writing and Executive-Ready Presentations.

We begin the transfer of learning in the courses by having participants bring real work to the session so they can practice their new skills. Following the course, participants can access online resources and templates, read our tweets and bi-weekly blogs and download our tip sheets. We also send follow-up emails to reinforce the learning.

We customize training to meet your needs by asking for writing samples and creating exercises, examples and case studies.

If your managers spend too much time editing or rewriting other people’s writing, we recommend they attend a writing course with their teams or a Management Overview Session. This way, they share a common language and set of techniques with their direct reports. We can also provide a short session teaching them to become writing coaches, which teaches them how to provide constructive feedback, reinforce the learning and help their teams become confident, independent writers.

You don’t have to schedule two consecutive days. Consider running day one of the course one week and day two the following week.

Consider a blended course–combine classroom or personal coaching with online learning.

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