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Staff Picks: Trish’s Top Courses for Professional Growth

By Trish Feehan

March 18, 2024

Staff Picks

Staff Picks: Trish’s Top Courses for Professional Growth - blog-hero-trish-picks
Staff Picks: Trish’s Top Courses for Professional Growth - wave-lime-green-1260x540-1
Staff Picks: Trish’s Top Courses for Professional Growth - wave-lime-green-1260x540-1

Choosing the right course is so personal. With all the wonderful options at Wavelength, it was hard for me to narrow down to just six course picks!

Our courses are the result of years of experience and expertise, designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to thrive in today’s dynamic workplace.

Here are a few to consider as a starting point. We’re here to help you find the perfect learning solution for you.

Business Writing Essentials

I considered myself an effective writer when I joined Wavelength. Yet here I continue to learn something new about writing every day! Business Writing Essentials covers so many wonderful foundational techniques. They’re easy to learn and apply yet make a world of difference. It’s the quintessential course for anyone who wants to improve their confidence and skill in general business writing. If you want to elevate your writing in one day, this is the course to take.

Communicate With Impact

I love this course because it helps us improve our conversations. Communicate With Impact covers the gamut from how we speak to how we listen. In this course, you learn how to identify your style and then flex for your listener. A must-have for anyone who wants to up their game when it comes to conversations in the workplace.

Executive-Ready Presentations

Our signature presenting courses span two days and cover all the fundamentals you need to prepare and deliver presentations with polish. You build your skill and confidence because you get to practice with supportive feedback from your peers and one-to-one coaching from your expert facilitator. Executive-Ready Presentations takes it up a notch for when you present to an executive audience. You learn what executives need from you and how to improve your own executive presence. Also, you learn how to effectively handle pushback from what can be a tough audience!

Email Writing Essentials

Most of us spend a lot of time reading and writing emails. Email Writing Essentials covers everything you need to know about sending and responding to emails so you save yourself and everyone else time. You learn fundamental writing techniques you can apply to your business writing in general, and you learn about email etiquette. A section that especially resonates with participants is how to use tone to come across positively—something we sometimes forget about when we’re busy!

Telling Stories With Data

Stories help us understand. They inspire action and change. Telling Stories With Data is a great 90-minute investment of time for anyone who presents complex information. You learn to go beyond just sharing and interpreting dry data. Instead, you draw your audience in with stories that make sense of the information. You decide how much detail to include and which visuals to use. Then you bring your information to life with stories that engage your audience.

Plain Language Essentials

Sometimes, people feel they need to use a formal, complex style for business writing. Not so! Instead, we advocate using plain language so your readers can understand your message the first time they read it. Plain language doesn’t mean dumbing down. Ask Warren Buffet—he’s a plain language advocate. In Plain Language Essentials, you learn the fundamentals of effective business writing with a focus on plain language. It’s a great course if you’d like to make your writing easy and enjoyable for busy readers. They will thank you!

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